Full Moon Music & Mantra

Inner Bliss / Stockade Inn, Union Street, Schenectady

Join Diana Domingo to awaken to your divine wisdom and connect to the power of sound and your voice, along with featured musical artists Scott Collins (fretted and fretless guitar and ambient soundscapes), Mahbub (percussion) and Charles Adinolfi (voice and sound healing instruments). Together, we will work with breath, sound frequencies, movement, music & mantra to bathe the space in ambient, ethereal and expansive soundscapes. We will create space for opening our hearts, expression and understanding the complete cycle of giving and receiving. This will be a unique, one of a kind event that will leave you feeling open to the love that surrounds you in myriad ways. Full Moon Meaning & Forecast This Harvest full moon is a time to acknowledge our ancestors and pay homage to all those who have walked before us and to ask for and grant forgiveness of others and ourselves, in order to create space within our hearts. When we do this, we open-up to the fullness of receiving all of the blessings we have received throughout the year and our lives, while offering blessings and good wishes to others. It is an opportunity to truly learn to harvest and enjoy our bounty. Dress comfortably, bring your friends and make it a night…